Monthly Archives: December 2007

Welcome to True Friends


Sukhi Hotu,

This album is a collection of hymns that I wrote since 1989 which was awaiting the right time and conditions to take form . Now after nearly two decades, these hymns have found the voices to sing them – my children and my spiritual family of KKBC! Together as true friends we share the Dharma hrough songs. May the words and melodies touch and inspire you.

May they illuminate your heart nd bring you peace and harmony ! We shall continue to harness the power of music in sharing the Dharma .

We hope you will be part of our musical spiritual journey !

Wai Leng
December 2007

Some Thoughts to share …..….

Music has always been a big feature in my life. As a child growing up in Ipoh, I used to listen to my aunt’s records which she would bring back from her numerous trips to England. That was how I was introduced to the world pop music of the 70’s. Taking up music and teaching was a perfect choice for me and for a while I enjoyed it. Then, I attended a couple of Buddhist camps in KL which opened up my eyes to what Buddhism in our modern world can really do to inspire the young and effect positive change in people. This period of my life was spent in discovering Buddhism and Buddhist work and this was the time most of my early hymns were written. They were inspired by the Buddha Dharma, some sutras or Buddha phrases that I had heard or read, or sometimes in meditation, words and music just come to me. I would jot them down in my music manuscript book and later develop the ideas into songs. I shared it with students who attended Buddhist camps then, and they in turn went back to their universities or colleges and started teaching others. That was how some of my songs, like True Friend, were already familiar tunes to many.

Having finally found a place where we can call “home” as our spiritual outlet in KKBC, we knew it in our hearts that this is the right place for our family. The members took to my songs well and in turn, I wanted them to be an integral part of this music project. It’s as if the songs were waiting for the right voices to take them in and finally it was the right time to put everything together!

I must thank our producer friend Rafil, for having the faith in me without even listening to any of my songs! And the person behind the album is really my husband, KV who has never ceased to encourage and assist me every step of the way! To my children, Amrita and Samanta (who give me their critical feedback) and all the singers on the album, thank you for your willingness to be part of this!

I do not aim for a perfect album – I believe that we should do our best yet allow for some minor “imperfections” that make it more unique and even beautiful. Beauty is not in the voice alone, or in perfect notes or perfect pitch. Beauty is in the heart and if we all sing from our hearts, that makes the songs beautiful. And I do believe that we all did with this album!

Wai Leng

Wai Leng